The importance of polymers thermo-mechanical transitions (i.e. glass transition temperature, crystallization temperatures, phase transitions) lies in their profound impact on the properties and behavior of polymer materials. Tailoring and understanding these transitions allow scientists and engineers to design polymers with specific functionalities, optimizing their performance and durability for diverse applications in industries. Because polymer interactions at interfaces can alter the mobility, structure, and properties of polymer chains, interfaces affect polymer transitions. The focus of this research is to investigate how polymer interfaces (with medium, substrate, particules…) influence the evolution of the thermo-mechanical transitions. The originality of our approach consists in using Atomic Force Microscopy based methods (developped in Le Mans) to probe the interfaces influence.

Application deadline: June 28, 2024.
Please note: To apply, the average grades in the Master’s program must be > 12/20, and the student must be motivated.

Publié le 16/06/2024