

EPNOE members are performing together many activities and they are sharing information and knowledge.


  • Description of running PhD’s within EPNOE institutions
  • Description of expertise present within EPNOE community
  • Sharing databases
  • Tool box (description of equipment present and available in EPNOE  member’s institutions)


  • EPNOE Newsletter (distributed to 500 subscribers)


  • Establishment of a Research Road Map, able to guide research development in the polysaccharide area
  • Performing of the best research activities, evidenced by the number of scientific papers published in the best international journals every year
  • Involvement in scientific management at national and international levels (COST, Technology plateforms, committees,…)


  • Education of young, brilliant scientists within EPNOE academic institutions, able to efficiently work in academic and industrial context
  • More than 40 master and 70 PhD students performed part of their research in another partner’s institution over the last five years
  • More than 25 PhD students have been co-directed by two different EPNOE institution’s scientists
  • Favouring mobility of post-graduate students across countries and disciplines
  • Organisation of courses for students and companies (Junior Scientist meeting)

Innovation and knowledge transfer

  • Brain-storming sessions
  • “Dormant idea” initiative
  • Building of research, development and innovation projects in a fully confidential manner (more than 300 such contracts with companies are running every years)
  • Participation to the Bio-based Industries Consortium (http://biconsortium.eu) and to the Bio-based Industries Initiatives.