Dear Colleague,

We gently remind you the forthcoming 11th EPF Summer School 2023 of the European Polymer Federation on:

“Polymers & Ionic Liquids”
Bertinoro (FC, Italy)
May 2-5, 2023

The 2023 EPF Summer School will be dedicated to the combination of ionic liquids with polymers or more generally the combination of ionic species with polymers. The program has been designed to cover many decisive issues such as:

  • Ionic liquids & polymers vs. ionomers;
  • Ionic liquids & polymers for designing nanostructured materials
  • Ionic liquids & polymers for designing Ionogels;
  • High-added value materials and technological applications

Attached please find the 2nd Circular of the School.

The early registration fee is 700 € before March 15, 2023 afterwards the fee is 750 €.

For further details and updated information, please visit

We hope you can join us in this exciting event.

Jean-François Gerard, Jannick Duchet, Michele Laus and Sébastien Livi
11th Epf Summer School 2023, Chairs