RTS 2019 – Fourth Edition : Rotomolding, Thermoforming and Blow-molding

École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers Paris, France

For several years, we have been seeing a boom in rotomolding, thermoforming and blow molding technologies. Different motivations are access to new technical polymers, need to reduce costs and delays, […]

Chirality 2019

Enseirb Matmeca / Bordeaux INP Bordeaux, France

The meeting will feature a wide range of top-ranking talks, discussions, and networking opportunities with experts, researchers, and up-and-coming leaders in the field of Chirality. Investigators at all career stages are […]

26th international Symposium ITP 2019

Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France

Welcome to the 26th international Symposium ITP 2019 ! International Symposium on Electroseparation and Liquid Phase-Separation Techniques. More than 60 oral communications, 22 KN and 4 PL lectures are scheduled on […]

ISCMP 2019

Pristina Kosovo

Dear Researcher, We would be pleased by your participation in the “III. International Joint Science Congress of Materials and Polymers (ISCMP-2019)” to be held in Pristina, Kosovo, between 12-14 September […]

European PVC Industry Summit

Londres Londres, Royaume-Uni

With the new European directive on plastic waste, increasing production costs, and the projected growth of the European PVC market, the PVC industry is facing a wide range of ongoing […]

JEPO 2019

Aérocampusde Latresne Latresne, France

Au nom de toute la section GFP sud-ouest et du comité d’organisation, nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au 47ème journées d’études des polymères du Groupe Français d’études et […]