Journée EMERGENCE PROJET – Pièces en mouvement : Enjeux des frottements/glissements
webinairePOLYMERIS, pôle de compétitivité des Caoutchoucs, Plastiques et Composites, organise une Journée Emergence Projets, de son Conseil Scientifique Elastomères. Découvrez le programme et inscrivez-vous ! Afin d’identifier des solutions face aux enjeux actuels liés aux comportements des pièces en mouvement, la journée Emergence Projets sera organisée autour de 2 sessions, la tribologie et ses applications […]
webinaireCette édition 2021, en VERSION DIGITALE, se déroulera du 22 au 26 mars 2021, en webinaires de 8 :30 à 10 :15. >> Programme : >> Inscription : Pour toute question, tél : 0146531074 –
Workshop PERCY – Missions internationales Recyclage et Eco-design
webinaireDans le cadre du projet européen PERCY, le pôle Polymeris est associé à 3 pôles européens (Danemark, Allemagne et Slovaquie) pour créer une stratégie commune d’internationalisation hors Europe. Notre but est de créer un réseau international de PME pour le recyclage et l’éco-design des produits plastiques et caoutchoucs. Une enquête a été réalisée en début d’année […]
6th European Symposium of Photopolymer Science
webinaireDue to the new format as Virtual Conference and therefore unlimited number of slots for Contributed Lectures and Posters with Flash Presentations, we are happy to announce that the deadline for abstract submission for the Sixth European Symposium of Photopolymer Science taking place from June 15th to 17th 2021 has been extended to March 15th. […]
Congrès IFATCC
ENSAIT Roubaix, FranceLes Congrès Internationaux IFATCC (International Federation of Associations of Textile Chemists and Colourists) concernent la chimie appliquée au textile : mise en oeuvre de fibres, de colorants, de textiles multifonctionnels dans le domaine traditionnel ou dans celui des textiles à hautes performances. Aujourd’hui, Chimie et Textile doivent relever les mêmes challenges vis-à-vis de l’Innovation en […]
7th World Elastomer Summit
Lyon Lyon, FranceWith the ever pressing sustainability & circular economy targets and expected evolution in the automotive industry, the elastomers industry is facing changes in the near future. The industry will need to adapt to these new objectives & developments, and work together as a whole to ensure a smooth and thriving transition. ACI’s 7th World Elastomer […]
Webinar series : Discrete synthetic macromolecules: Synthesis and applications
webinaireFREE webinar series on the topic of ‘Discrete synthetic macromolecules: synthesis and applications’. This webinar series, including Q&A opportunity, comprises three half day sessions featuring some absolutely top class speakers. The dates for your calendar are 3, 10 and 17 May!
Webinar series : Discrete synthetic macromolecules: Synthesis and applications
webinaireFREE webinar series on the topic of ‘Discrete synthetic macromolecules: synthesis and applications’. This webinar series, including Q&A opportunity, comprises three half day sessions featuring some absolutely top class speakers. The dates for your calendar are 3, 10 and 17 May!
Webinar series : Discrete synthetic macromolecules: Synthesis and applications
webinaireFREE webinar series on the topic of ‘Discrete synthetic macromolecules: synthesis and applications’. This webinar series, including Q&A opportunity, comprises three half day sessions featuring some absolutely top class speakers. The dates for your calendar are 3, 10 and 17 May!
10th EPF Summer School on Polymers and Circular Economy
webinaireThe European Polymer Federation decided from 2003 onwards to organize, each two years, a series of Summer Schools on topics related to the front leading areas of macromolecular science and technology, keeping together a high scientific level as well as the relevance for industrial application. These Schools took place till 2017 in Gargnano (BS) on […]